A paneled freestanding wall is made up of lightweight wood frame and wood or vinyl paneling on one or both sides. A detachable wood foundation allows the wall to be moved with relative simplicity. Typical freestanding walls would be the exact same height as a door or window opening. The kind of paneling and also the length of the wall from end to end are matters of personal preference. Generally, the best spot to construct the wall is about a patio, a deck or over a drop cloth at a garagedoor.
Construct the Frame
Determine the length of the freestanding wall from end to end. Don safety glasses. Cut two pieces of two-by-two pine or spruce as the top and bottom plates of this wall, using a handsaw.
Set the plates side by side on edge and even the ends. Mark the edges of every one for studs you’ll install every 16 inches from end to end. If the wall is wider than a single sheet of wood or vinyl paneling, mark the place for a fireplace in which the borders of 2 sheets butt together.
Determine the height of this wall and bend the thickness of both plates. Count the number of stud marks and then cut exactly the same number of two-by-two studs. Remove burrs in the cuts ends of all bits, using 80-grit sandpaper.
Establish a cordless or electric drill with a 1/16-inch drill bit. Position the top and bottom plates apartment with the wide sides facing up. Drill a pair of pilot holes for screws at the face of every one at every one of the stud marks.
Install a screw-tip attachment at the drill. Position one of those plates on edge with the stud marks facing up. Apply wood glue on one end of a stud. Position the stud on edge and perpendicular to the plate. Align one face of the stud at one end of the plate and then match the glued end in the plate. Attach the plate to the stud with 21/2-inch deck screws in each one of the holes that are drilled. Repeat this in the rest of the marks on the plate and then include a stud in the opposite end of this plate.
Apply wood glue in the other end of each stud. Position the rest of the plate on edge and contrary to the ends of the studs, and align the studs in the marks. Drive a pair of screws through the plate at each pilot hole.
Install the Paneling
Designate one of those plates since the top plate of the wall. Put a sheet of paneling face up on the framework with the vertical pattern running exactly the same direction as the studs. Align one edge at one end of the framework and one edge in the outer end of the top plate.
Attach the paneling into the framework with 4d finish nails in 12-inch periods in the studs and plates. Position another piece of two-by-two apartment across the paneling as a straightedge. Align one edge with the outer end of the plate. Using the two-by-two straightedge as a guide, cut off the excess paneling, using a utility knife.
Put another sheet of paneling on the framework with a single edge butted against the edge of this installed piece. Align one end in the top plate also. Attach the piece as before and trim off the excess, using the straightedge and the knife. Cut off any excess in the outer edge of this sheet in precisely the exact same manner.
Turn the wall over. Install sheets of paneling in the other side of this framework.
Create the Base
Cut three pieces of one-by-six pine or spruce 16 inches long. Remove burrs in the cut ends of each piece, using pliers.
Put one of these pieces apartment and mark the center from end to end. Measure the thickness of the assembled wall. Utilizing a builder’s square, mark the borders of a vertical station that’s 1/4 inch wider than the thickness of the wall in the center of this piece. Make another mark for the base of the station, 21/2 inches from one edge of this piece.
Cut both vertical marks with the handsaw. Eliminate the cutout of the station in the 21/2-inch mark, using a wood chisel and the hammer. Repeat the process to produce the station cutouts in the centres of both of the other pieces of this foundation. Remove burrs in the cut edges of each channel.
Refer to the side of this wall from end to end and bend 12 inches. Cut two pieces of one-by-six this span. They will function as face frames for the foundation. Mark the center of every one from end to end.
Apply wood glue on the ends of each piece of this foundation. Position the face frames on parallel and edge. Fit the parts of the foundation between the face frames with the channels facing up.
Align the bases at each end of their frames and then align the center base in the center marks on the face frames. Attach the frames in the ends of each foundation with a pair of deck screws.
Allow the wood glue in the base assembly to dry immediately. Position the assembly in the place of the freestanding wall and then match the base of the wall to the channels.