While it may not be easy to protect your home against professional thieves, most burglaries are actually done by amateurs. These thieves can be easily thwarted if you keep in mind some of the best electrician Escondido tips.
– Always lock your home even if you’re going out only for a short time. Burglars act fast and can easily walk into an unlocked window or door in mere seconds.
– Conceal the wiring of your home alarm system. Professional burglars will look for ways to disconnect your security system so they can get inside without you noticing.
– Make your home look occupied all the time. You can install timers that can switch lights on and off while you are away from home.
– If you notice that your Escondido electrician system is faulty, get it fixed immediately. Most people simply ignore an alarm that goes off regularly, but this is already an indication that there’s something wrong with it and must therefore be fixed as soon as possible.
– Install deadbolt instead of a spring latch lock. This is to keep “loiding” experts away. Loiding is the process of slipping cards into the latch tongue in order to unlock the door. With a deadbolt, this can be avoided.
– If you end up misplacing your keys, change your locks as soon as possible.
– Before you hand your key over to your house cleaner, make sure that this person can be trusted. Check the references of professional house cleaners that you are considering of hiring. If you’re hiring someone from a firm, then check online reviews to see if the company can be trusted.
– Avoid keeping your spare key in a mailbox or below the doormat. Instead, wrap the key in a foil and place it in a film can and bury it in a place where you can easily find in case you need to use it.
– Avoid leaving notes for other people at your door. This will just give burglars a hint that no one is at home and they will take advantage of the situation.
– Make sure your home entrance is illuminated. Consider installing a lighting fixture that’s equipped with an infrared detector. Thieves don’t want to be observed when trying to get into a house.
– Inform your neighbors of any suspicious looking people lurking around the neighborhood.
– Shrubs and trees that are located near your windows can shield the burglar from view and will jeopardize the security of your home. Therefore, before you design your Landscaping estimates Bakersfield, CA cost Bakersfield, make sure you consider your electrician Escondido CA.
– Avoid listing your complete name on your mailbox or at the phone book. Instead, use your initials and your last name.
– Make sure you ask credentials from anyone who will request entry to your home, such as a salesperson, cleaner, handyman etc. Many professional burglars pretend to be someone else just so they can get inside your home. If you are doubtful, call the person’s company before you allow him or her to get inside.