Baking soda has many family uses, but eliminating scratches from wood furniture isn’t one of these. But you can effectively use baking soda to eliminate white circles and water marks from wood surfaces. Scratches call for one more remedy — concealing the scratch and buffing over it.
Baking Soda for Water Marks
White rings on wood furniture are caused by placing down a moist glass without using a coaster. Water and alcohol spills can also leave irregular white marks on wood. Create a paste with a small amount of baking soda and water. Using a clean, soft cloth, rub the glue over the stain, following the direction of the wood grain. When the stain is gone, brush off the baking soda and then wipe with a moist, soft cloth. If necessary, you can then buff furniture wax over the room with another clean cloth.
Concealers for Scratches in Wood
There are many different goods you can use to conceal minor scratches on wood furniture. Furniture businesses sell touch-up kits consisting of color-matched wax sticks like crayons. You can also use school crayons, shoe polish, coffee grounds or nut meats such as pecan or walnut. It’s important to work with something which closely fits the furniture finish, so first test your concealer to a little region of the scratch. Rub the concealer from the direction of the scrape, not across it. When the scratch is camouflaged to your satisfaction, buff on it with furniture wax.