Crystal goblets come in so many styles, shapes and patterns that it could be tricky to figure out who made the one that you have. Understanding both the manufacturer and pattern name is important should you wish to purchase replacements for a group, or whether you’re attempting to determine the value or age of a specific piece. Careful inspection of this goblet’s etchings, minute and style details helps narrow down the specifics so that you can find out exactly what you have on hand.

Tiny Telltale Signs

Some well-known crystal producers include their name or emblem on the crystal itself, etched into an inconspicuous area like the bottom. A magnifying glass scanned above the bottom, stem or inside the etching may show a manufacturer’s name, like Waterford, or even an acid-etched “D” or a “D” with a line through it for the English manufacturer, Dartington Crystal. If you discover an etched logo, letter or logo but are unsure what it means, crystal-collecting books and websites feature pictures showing common symbols new and old.

Proofing the Pattern

Identifying the pattern etched into the crystal is one way to determine the manufacturer. Put a sheet of tissue paper or thin white paper over the etched region, then rub it with a pencil to move the picture to the paper. Send the paper or a photo of it to a replacement crystal company to determine the name of this layout and the manufacturer which goes with it.

Database Exploration

Some crystal-collection sites feature a list of their best-known crystal makers, both present and closed. If you haven’t been able to find out a design name or some other particular features about the goblet, undergo a crystal database, then manufacturer by manufacturer, looking at the organization’s common styles. While this might be time-consuming, it will likely help you figure out the manufacturer or at least narrow down potential company names.

Solving With Stickers

Some crystal goblet makers put a little sticker or label in their bits, like a gold metallic label bearing the company name or info. Assess different goblets, if you have more than one, or other bits that may have been part of an entire boxed set of crystal. There’s a good chance at least one of these bits bears such a label. Assess cupboard and storage areas for a first box when you’ve got a complete group of crystal, also; the box most likely bears the manufacturer’s name.