When installing new centipede grass (Eremochloa ophiuroides) sod, don’t get in a rush to mow it. Centipede grass, that is hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 7 and 8, grows slower than some other kinds of warm-season grasses like Bermuda grass (Cynodon spp.) , which is hardy in USDA zones 7 through…
Not all these 45 species of dogwood trees (Cornus spp.) Indigenous to North America bear blooms and red grapes, however, also the flowering dogwood (Cornus florida) fits the statement. The state tree of Missouri and Virginia, the flowering dogwood thrives in backyards in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 though 9. Attractive to…
If snowdrops (Galanthus spp.) Bloomed in midsummer, you might not love them up to now. This delicious flower’s scientific name is derived from the Greek words for oats (gala) and flower (anthos), and once the snowdrop increases its milky-white head in the sleeping ground, it is but one of the very first flowers in spring.…
Berries on an ornamental shrub might not be edible, but shade and prosperity will provide a striking addition to the landscape. Some berry shrubs produce fruit that’s both aesthetically appealing and edible, along with appealing form and leaf, supplying year-round attention to the landscape. A wide choice of cultivars increases the usage of ornamental berry…
Gardeners growing tomatoes typically like to have a few sprays on hand to improve the health and yield of the harvest and solve anticipated problems. Choose the safest possible products for your own harvest by preventing those using the words “warning” or “danger” on the label. Fungicides and insecticides should be labeled for the target…
Determinate tomato plants are those which develop to a predetermined size, produce a harvest of fruit and perish. Indeterminate tomato plants continue to grow, producing new stems and fruit during the end of the season. Indeterminate tomato plants are the only ones which need regular pruning. Before beginning pruning your tomato plant, you need to…
Serissa foetida is an attractive little plant with a huge secret: When you bruise or prune it, serissa emits an unpleasant scent. Fortunately, the smell doesn’t last too long. Serissa has a short stature, little leaves and masses of small flowers that make it a natural for bonsai. Even though serissa bonsai is not hard…
Boxwood plants make attractive and simple bonsai on account of the full development habit and adaptability. The shrubs shape nicely to several bonsai styles, including slanting, informal upright, twin-trunk and group. Boxwoods (Buxus spp.) Have evergreen leaves and like most bonsai require winter protection when temperatures fall below freezing. Boxwood grown as bonsai needs routine…
Cherry trees belong to the genus Prunus. Sweet cherry cultivars of those wild cherry (Prunus avium) are grown for their fruit. The Japanese have developed many decorative trees because of their blossoms. Many fruiting types of cherry trees have blossoms while cultivars that are decorative have blossoms or white blossoms tinged with pink. Select cultivars…
Flowers on a few plants are either male or female; other flowers are both male and female components. More rarely, flowers alter or pass through sexual periods, switching from 1 sex to the other. Protoandrous flowers begin as male blossoms and change to female. Protogynous flowers begin as females and transform into male. Fruit trees…