When you have found the ideal camping spot for the motor home, you probably need to pull a curtain throughout the windshield in order to add privacy to the room. Most motor homes come with the curtain and track currently installed, but if you’ve had your engine home for some time, it may be time to replace the curtain. Or, you might not enjoy the look of the one you have. In any case, using a sewing machine and a couple of tools, you can complete this project without a great deal of work. Most beginner sewers can certainly do make a new curtain.
Start at the left end of the curtain trail over the driver’s seat and measure as much as you can go with a cloth measuring tape — usually only 36 inches. Hold your finger where the tape finished and continue measuring across the sweep of the trail. You might need to take three dimensions. Insert the dimensions together. Add 2 inches to this measurement, allowing for side hems, and 1 inch if you favor two curtain panels. It is possible to create a single curtain that pulls across the width of the windshield or two that pull to either side.
Measure from the middle point of the track to where you want the curtain to hang. Ideally, you want it to block the view through the windshield, though the curtain typically falls back in the windshield over the front seat area. Add 3 inches to the measurement, 2 for the top hem that holds the grommets and 1 inch for the bottom hem.
Measure and cut the fabric to the length and width needed for the window. Choose whether you want a two-paneled curtain or one. If you decide on two panels, fold the cut fabric in half lengthwise and cut the fabric on the fold.
Fold over the hem 1 inch at the top of the panel, then right-side folded to the wrong side, and fold again. This creates a powerful hem to hold the grommets. Fold over the hem 1/2 inch. Duplicate the fold. Pin the hems in position with the sewing pins. Sewing pins — or quilting pins — have round colorful heads that make them simple to see and grip.
Fold the internal side hems 1/4 inch and then repeat. Pin in place. Fold the side hems at 1/2 inch, repeat, pin in position. You’re ready to sew.
Sew one stitch near the folded edge, removing the sewing pins as you sew. When you reach the edge of the fabric, sew in reverse to lock the stitches in place and keep the threads from pulling out. Pick out the fabric off the machine, cutting on the 2 threads.
Duplicate sewing the hems for every side of each curtain panel.
Divide the curtain width from two if you want to set up grommets every 2 inches. The quotient provides you the number of grommets you need to set up.
Make a mark on the top hem of the curtain panel at every grommet place. Double check their locations to make sure that the grommets will be based inside the hem region.
Center the first grommet place over the block of timber. Set the hole punch on the grommet markers, ensuring it’s centered in the hem place and hit it with the hammer to create a circular hole in the fabric. Repeat for all grommet locations.
Place the tall half of the grommet through the hole in under the fabric. Center it on the block of wood, putting the very best ring portion of the grommet over the tall slice. Insert the flaring tool over it, ensuring that the bottom grommet aligns with the top. Alter the flaring tool with the hammer until both join together. Repeat this step for many grommets. Hang the curtain on the pins already installed inside the trail.