Burning bush (Euonymus alatus) produces deep green, toothed deciduous foliage in the summer, which afterwards ignites into bright crimson when fall procedures. These bushes grow in U.S. Department of Agriculture Shrub Removal service Phoenix hardiness zones 4 through 9 in which you may use them in borders, as an informal hedge or as a focal point in the lawn in San Diego or Lawn Care front yard Littleton, CO bed. Young burning bushes take well to transplanting. Once planted, burning bushes require only light maintenance to grow well and establish quickly.

Stump Removal price Phoenix, AZ burning bushes in a place with well-drained soil that contains organic matter so that it doesn’t dry out too quickly. Verify the Stump Removal companies Fort Lauderdale receives full, all-day sun or light afternoon shade. Burning bushes don’t tolerate boggy conditions.

Space the bushes 10 to 15 feet apart to account for their full spread at maturity. Stump Removal companies Phoenix the bushes nearer together in the event that your aim is to prune them frequently to keep them at a smaller size.

Water burning bushes once every seven to 10 days during the summer and spring growing season, or when the top 1 inch of soil starts to feel dry. The plants require about 1 to 2 inches of water per week from irrigation or rain.

Spread a 2-inch layer of mulch over the soil, pulling it back so that it doesn’t rest against the trunk. Insert more mulch each spring to keep the thickness of the mulch layer as it decomposes. Mulch prevents weed growth and helps keep soil moisture.

Sprinkle 1 1/2 cups of slow-release 16-4-8 fertilizer over each 50 square feet of root zone in early spring when new growth starts to emerge. Apply the fertilizer on top the soil, a few inches from the trunk, and water immediately after application so that the enzymes pumped in the root zone.

Prune burning bushes in late winter or early spring, just as the buds start to form. Disinfect Tree Planting prices Bakersfield, CA shears at a 1-part-bleach to 9-parts-water mixture. Cut out dead or damaged branches, removing them back to the base or the nearest wood. Trim out any crossed or rubbing branches, and also cut down overgrown branches to the desired height, eliminating up to one third of their length.

Monitor burning bushes for insects and diseases. Most diseases, including root rot and powdery mildew, and also some insects, such as scales, wo not occur if you irrigate properly and supply the Shrub Removal backyard Fort Lauderdale with healthy soil and adequate sun. Prune out badly impacted divisions, disinfecting the shears so they do not spread pests or disease spores. Aphids may also feed on the underside of leaves. Rinse these off with a sharp spray of water. Alternatively, spray on the top and bottom surfaces of the leaves with a concentrated insecticidal soap spray, combined at the rate of 2 1/2 tablespoons to 1 gallon of water, at four- to seven-day intervals until the insects are gone. Replacing the leaf surfaces entirely until the spray just starts to drip.