Little backyards give the chance to try nontraditional forms of landscaping at a modest scale, and a good place to start is considering different methods of using gravel. Gravel can be the ingredient that establishes the character of the plan, but it ought to be combined with a well-planned layout and carefully chosen materials.

Layout Qualities

Gravel is a cheap, low-maintenance substance which can be functional or decorative. It is ideal to plan a gravel-based backyard about a powerful design motif and combine it with other materials. Gravel is a versatile landscape stuff, available in a variety of sizes and colours, but frequently selecting local aggregate is the most attractive option. Gravel is formed from regional climate and states, therefore local gravel sorts fit in with native plantings or as a backdrop for a picturesque all-natural view.


For functional purposes, gravel can be utilized as a surface for patios and walkways. Decorative gravels can be set in powerful forms, geometric or curved, to draw the eye and highlight its attractive qualities. Gravel ought to be contained with edging of any type, which can function to outline the kind. The selection of material for edging ought to be integrated with the plan. In Asian landscape layout, gravel frequently symbolizes water, and the motif is reinforced with plantings and carefully placed stones.

Contrasting and Complementary Materials

Gravel can function as a neutral design element that sets off complex substances. The heat of wood is especially striking in affiliation with gravel and can be utilized as edging, decking or a boardwalk. Stepping stones might be set to a gravel surface intermittently to suggest that a pathway, or large stones can be inserted strategically in a gravel surface to get an cedar effect. Plants soften the harshness of gravel, with color and contrasting texture.

Gravel Choice

It is important to understand what kind of gravel suits your layout. Gravel is available in screened and compactible forms. Compactible gravel can be packed down to a firm, stable surface which enables walking, or even rolling a wheelbarrow or wheelchair, and even parking for vehicles. Screened gravel is suitable as a decorative element. It consists of uniformly sized aggregate, together with silts and smaller bits washed or sifted out. Screened gravel may also use aggregate chosen for a striking shade.

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