They could be little, but the fruits of cherry tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum) have some things in their favor. They excel in flavor, sweetness, color and prosperity. The plants have a very long fruit-bearing season because they begin to flower about one month after they are planted, and they continue growing and blooming until killed by cold weather. Cherry tomato plants can become large, hitting 6 to 10 feet tall. Their shiny fruits are reddish, yellow, orange and blackish or brownish red.
Conditions’ Effect on Flowering
Although cherry tomatoes flower for a very long duration, flower production doesn’t always lead to hair creation. Several ecological factors influence how many flowers are produced and whether the blooms put fruits. The factors include temperature, the levels of light and moisture the plants receive, their nourishment and insect damage.
Temperature Conditions
Temperatures in excess of 90 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and above 70 F in nighttime decrease cherry tomato flowering and fruit set. Ideal temperatures for flowering and fruiting are 59 to 68 F. Temperatures under 59 F also decrease flowering and fruit production because cold affects flower pollen’s amount and viability. If your cherry tomatoes are in containers, try moving them to cooler or warmer locations, based on what they require for the specific season and conditions. If you have inground tomatoes, you can try giving them light shade to decrease hot summer temperatures or covering them using row covers to supply heat. Cherry tomatoes are typically more tolerant of warm temperatures than bigger tomato varieties.
Moisture Level
Fast-growing cherry tomatoes require ample moisture yet great drainage. If the plants don’t have enough water, their flower production can be down. Relative humidity is also significant because tomato flower pollen’s viability can decrease during hot, dry conditions, leading to bad flower fertilization and less fruit creation even though flowers are present and appear healthy.
Number of Light
Cherry tomatoes flower best in full-sun places in many climates. If you reside in a place with cool summers, then give your plants a sunny, warm location. If you’re in a place with hot summers, provide the plants with afternoon shade, that can lead to better flowering and fruiting. Contrary to most other plants which blossom in response to changes in the number of hours of light they receive every day, tomatoes are day neutral, unaffected as daylight hours become more in summer and shorter in winter. They can blossom during any period. If you’re able to keep your cherry tomato plants from freezing, they will keep producing and flowering fruits. Growing the plants under constant light, however, reduces their fruit collection. Cherry tomatoes typically are grown as annuals as they are perennial only in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 8 through 11.
Nutrition and Insects
Flowering decreases when cherry tomatoes receive too little or too much fertilizer. Surplus nitrogen leads to excessive vegetative growth and fewer flowers and fruits, and inadequate nutrition leads to less vigorous and fewer flowers. Individual branches or stems might not get enough food to develop a lot of flowers when sap-sucking insects such as aphids are plentiful on the differences between the flowering branches and the principal portion of every plant. Aphids are small, soft-bodied, pear-shaped insects which are typically green, black, gray or yellow. Wash aphids off the plants with a powerful stream of water when you notice them.