Upholstering rectangular or square shapes is a fairly straightforward procedure, until it is time to ensure the corners. Straight or relatively straight lengths along each side of the furniture require stapling a row of staples along the base of the project to guarantee the material. Corners, on the other hand, can be handled a number of ways; the best way for your individual project may depend upon the thickness of the material being used. Thick upholstery such as leather or vinyl results in thick corners, which require innovative stapling and folding methods.

Key to Corner Command

Regardless of that folding and stapling way you select for upholstering the corners of your job, taking good care of all of the right areas first ensures the corners end up being symmetrical and evenly proportioned. Fold one side of the upholstery material over its individual bottom or rear edge over the project, then staple the whole place — apart from the corners — discontinuing about 2 inches apart from each corner. The opposite side becomes folded and stapled next, using the same technique, followed by the rest of the sides. All that’s left are the corners — handling them one after another keeps your bend process consistent, as opposed to doing them one at a time as you perform across the piece.

Gift-Wrap Corners

A simple-to-understand corner upholstery method is to bend the corners gift-wrap style, as though you are wrapping a bundle. Even though you may have your own spin on wrap packages, the basic way is to fold beneath the corner flaps gently in around a 45-degree angle so that the whole flap of stuff looks symmetrical with 2 angled corners. Fold the flap down and staple it several times to fasten it to the project. Repeat the bend and flap-making procedure on the opposite side of the project, stapling it in the exact same manner.

Angled Ear Approach

Another approach to corners generates clean, neat edges for thicker fabrics that may be hard to staple if they’re folded. Smooth the fabric along each side of a single corner on the base of the piece, pinching the excess fabric up to create an ear or flap form. Staple along each side of the ear in a 45-degree angle to the corner to ensure that the excess fabric sticks straight up with a neat line of staples along both sides of it. Trim all of the cloth sticking up using scissors or a utility knife, then neatening it up as far as you possibly can. This technique also comes in handy if the upholstered object stays within a framework, such as a dining room seats.

Trim Time

After all corners are stapled down to your liking, there may be a bit of excess fabric that is visible if taking a look at the upholstery occupation from the side underneath. Trim excess fabric around folded corner flaps to create them less bulky and unwieldy, using scissors or a utility knife. Eye the whole stapled place so trimmed material stays neat and straight as you do so. Put a straightedge along areas you want to trim to cut the stuff in a straight line, or use the straightedge and a pencil to draw your line, then cut itout.