Palm trees help turn a normal terrace into a lush, green oasis. Potted palms may be used as an impressive centerpiece or as exotic embellishment. Based on light conditions, many palms are great choices for growing on the patio.
Palms to Shady Patios
Some patios get only indirect light throughout the afternoon or direct sunshine for only portion of the day. Palms that thrive in colour include the bamboo palm (Chamaedorea erumpens), that grows in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10b through 11, and the Kentia palm (Howea forsteriana), suitable for USDA zones 9b through 11. The bamboo palm produces multiple trunks and bright green, feathery fronds which appear particularly verdant. The Kentia palm, also referred to as sentry palm, has dark green feathery fronds that grow atop a narrow, ornamental green back.
Palms for Sunny Patios
Patios which get full sunlight throughout the day require hands which could take the heat. The pygmy date palm (Phoenix roebelenii) tolerates full sun. A slow-grower, it’s a curved torso that produces a canopy of green feathery fronds, little clusters of flowers and red dates. The yellow butterfly palm (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens), also referred to as areca palm, additionally produces clumping heads of lush fronds, but in a yellow-green hue. Its natural blossoms develop into black, oblong-shaped fruit during the year. Both palms grow in USDA zones 10 through 11.
Palm Size
While many hands stay somewhat small when planted in the ground, others may grow to soaring heights. As an example, the pygmy date palm can reach 20 feet in the ground, the Kentia palm 25 feet and the yellow butterfly palm 30 feet. Palms in pots normally do not grow as large. Deficiency of space for roots to grow prevents the potted trees from reaching their mature height. While the bamboo palm typically remains small at 4 feet tall, another hands may develop no taller than 6 to 8 ft in containers.
Growing Tips
Potted hands require regular watering, but beware of overwatering because sloping dirt may result in root rot. Palms should be watered when the soil feels dry, and, after watering, do not enable them to stand in water. A porous or sandy soil mix helps keep the right balance of moisture from allowing decent drainage. Only plant palms in containers with drainage holes to help avoid difficulties.